Spend time together

I said true friendship is vital to a lasting marriage. I know you have buddies and you like hanging out together. You meet after work just to catch up, to watch a game or have a drink. ladies you visit your lady friends occasionally to catch up and have fun. You love spending time with them. Do you feel the same spark when you think you will be meeting your hubby or wife? Do you have activities you like doing together?
When your partner is your best friend, you miss being with them. You cant wait to go meet them, it is fun being around them. We often tend to give attention to our other friends neglecting those who matter the most. It is important to have friends and spend time with them too. we are social beings. However,  something is amiss when you miss them more than your wife or hubby, when you would rather be with them than be with your partner. Let your partner be your best friend! Go out together, play together, visit places together, maintain the first love. You remember….you couldn’t wait to meet her/ him? checking on your cell for that message…the dinner parties…hiking…watching a game together…the list is endless. What changed after you said i do? I have the best hubby, he is my best friend. He has buddies and i have too but one thing for sure, though we spend time with them, we enjoy being together…just the two of us!!!!

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